Saturday, September 4, 2010

Waterfall Model

The waterfall model shows a process, where developers are to follow these phases in order:

  1. Requirements specification (Requirements analysis)
  2. Software Design
  3. Integration
  4. Testing (or Validation)
  5. Deployment (or Installation)
  6. Maintenance

In a strict Waterfall model, after each phase is finished, it proceeds to the next one. Reviews may occur before moving to the next phase which allows for the possibility of changes (which may involve a formal change control process). Reviews may also be employed to ensure that the phase is indeed complete; the phase completion criteria are often referred to as a "gate" that the project must pass through to move to the next phase. Waterfall discourages revisiting and revising any prior phase once it's complete. This "inflexibility" in a pure Waterfall model has been a source of criticism by other more "flexible" models.

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