Saturday, July 31, 2010

Format war ended

Has anybody in any official capacity announced they are abandoning their respective high-def formats? That's really the only definitive answer to this. Torc2 21:44, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
If that is your criterion, then the VHS/Betamax war did not end until 2002, when the last Betamax player was withdrawn from market. If you use the media as the benchmark, then the VHS/Betamax war is still on, because Betamax tapes are still available. Is this the kind of absurdity we need? If you are waiting for someone "official" to declare the end of the war, you'll likely wait forever.
A format war is over when the market moves past the product(s), and it becomes marginalized. Can you seriously argue that either of these formats (SACD or DVD-Audio) is mainstream? Neither was ever widely adopted. They are both marginalized. The format war wasn't much of a war, and there isn't anything left of it other than a few websites where format supporters still carry on. These products have now entered a stage of co-existence. 15:25, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
Nope. Neither format has had support withdrawn. And Panasonic still refuse to support SACD in their players and Sony still refuse to support DVD-A. And Sony Music issue DVD-V DualDiscs instead of DVD-A. No sign of any of the interested parties caving in yet. The format war continues. At least you can get players which support both, unlike the HD DVD/Blu-ray situation where format licenses prevent a playwe supporting the other format. --KJBracey 14:28, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
Actually there ARE dual format players for HD DVD and Blu Ray (LG and Samsung make them). There are even dual format discs, Warner Bros patented a technology for putting both formats on a single disc.

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