Saturday, July 31, 2010

As food

Mice are a staple in the diet of many small carnivores. Humans have eaten mice sinceprehistoric times and still eat them as a delicacy throughout eastern Zambia and northernMalawi,[6] although they are no longer routinely consumed by humans elsewhere. They are an excellent seasonal source of protein.

In various countries mice are used as food[7] for pets such as snakes, lizards, frogs,tarantulas and birds of prey, and many pet stores carry mice for this purpose. Some countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom, have banned the practice of feeding live mice, citing ethical concerns regarding both predator and prey.[8]

Common terms used to refer to different ages/sizes of mice when sold for pet food are "pinkies", "fuzzies", "crawlers", "hoppers", and "adults".[9] Pinkies are newborn mice that have not yet grown fur; fuzzies have some fur but are not very mobile; hoppers have a full coat of hair and are fully mobile but are smaller than adult mice. Mice without fur are easier for the animal to consume, however mice with fur may be more convincing as animal feed. These terms are also used to refer to the various growth stages of rats (see Fancy rat).

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