Friday, August 6, 2010

Modular power supplies

A modular power supply is a relatively new approach to cabling, allowing users to omit unused cables. Whereas a conventional design has numerous cables permanently connected to the power supply, a modular power supply provides connectors at the power supply end, allowing unused cables to be detached from the power supply, producing less clutter, a neater appearance and less interference with airflow. It also makes it possible to supply a wider variety of cables, providing different lengths of Serial ATA power connectors instead of Molex connectors.
While modular cabling can help reduce case clutter, they have often been criticized for creating electrical resistance. Some third party websites that do power supply testing have confirmed that the quality of the connector, the age of the connector, the number of times it was inserted/removed, and various other variables such as dust can all raise resistance. However, this is somewhat inconsequential as the amount of this resistance in a good connector is small compared to the resistance generated by the length of the wire itself.

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